Sunday, July 24, 2011


The accidental hitting of a tennis ball in flight (almost invariably while at the net) so that it isn't struck cleanly. It is almost s if it were caught momentarily in a net and then slung. The effect is that the ball stays on the strings of the racquet longer than it would with a clean hit, and usually flies off to an unexpected an angle as to be unreturnable. For years a carry, or sling as it is also known, was deemed an illegal shot and cost the striker of it the point. But since it isn't always easy for an opponent to detect with certainty, and often had to be called against oneself by the player who committed it, it led to uncomfortable situations. Accordingly the shot has been ruled a legitimate one in recent years, and a lucky point made oiff one, even if inadvertent, is a winning point. The exception to this ruling is explained under "double hit."

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